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Johns Hopkins Medical Centers Resident Physicians Visit Turner Station

Turner Station, MD – In a continued effort to bridge the gap between healthcare professionals and the communities they serve, Dr. Erica Johnson led a group of newly minted Resident Physicians from Johns Hopkins Medical Centers on a visit to Turner Station on September 2, 2023.

This visit marked an important step in the training of the new Resident Physicians, emphasizing the importance of understanding and connecting with the communities in which they will practice. Turner Station, a historic African-American community, has a rich history and legacy that is essential for healthcare professionals to acknowledge and understand.

Dr. Erica Johnson, a noted leader in the medical community, orchestrated the visit as part of a broader initiative to foster a sense of community and empathy among the next generation of healthcare leaders. “It is crucial for our Resident Physicians to be deeply rooted in the communities they serve. This visit is just one of many steps towards building a more inclusive and empathetic healthcare system,” said Dr. Johnson.

The visit was well-received by both the Resident Physicians and the Turner Station community. It provided an opportunity for meaningful dialogue and mutual learning, setting a positive tone for the future of healthcare in the region.

As the Resident Physicians embark on their journey in medicine, visits like these serve as a reminder of the vital role that community engagement plays in building a healthier and more inclusive future.